Design Services

If you partner with us on your design project, you’ll get to leverage our years of experience and partnerships to get a design that perfectly meets your vision, needs, and budget. Depending on your needs, we have the following package options. We can also create a custom solution to fit your needs, so feel free to contact us to schedule a free consultation and we’ll see how we can help.
You have a simple site and just want some help choosing the overall aesthetic.
The Basic Package
package features:
Mockup of Header Design
Select from 2-3 primary and complementary color choices It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Select from 2-3 primary and accent font choices
A complete style sheet
One custom-designed page of your choice
As many custom designed pages as you need.
Custom on page components for default pages including: forms, sliders, accordions, article cards, and others depending on your site needs
Your site is a bit more complex and has at least one page that could use a bit of custom design to really make it stand out.
The Expanded Package
package features:
Mockup of Header Design
Select from 2-3 primary and complementary color choices It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Select from 2-3 primary and accent font choices
A complete style sheet
One custom-designed page of your choice
As many custom designed pages as you need.
Custom on page components for default pages including: forms, sliders, accordions, article cards, and others depending on your site needs
You really want a showstopper site that is fully customized to fit your vision and aesthetic.
The Full Package
package features:
Mockup of Header Design
Select from 2-3 primary and complementary color choices It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
Select from 2-3 primary and accent font choices
A complete style sheet
As many custom designed pages as you need.
Custom on page components for default pages including: forms, sliders, accordions, article cards, and others depending on your site needs
A full-featured, professional website